How to request an appointment
You can make an appointment in the following ways:
- Calling the surgery on 01945 773671
- Using our online forms to requests help or support from the practice (temporarily disabled – new system will roll out during May 23)
- Come into the practice and speak to our reception team.
Test Results
Please only contact the surgery regarding blood and other test results after 2 PM.
If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason, please inform us as soon as possible in order for us to give the slot to someone else. If you receive a text message reminder for your appointment you will be able to reply and cancel your appointment if you are no longer able to attend.
Routine Appointments
Routine appointments are usually booked or arranged in advance and you will be seen by a clinician such as a nurse or healthcare assistant.
- Blood pressure checks
- Blood tests
- Cervical screening
- Family planning and sexual health advice
- Vaccinations
- And others…